von berries
18 min readMay 25, 2024
00:03 select your player

00:08 start?

00:11 yes

00:14 I'm putting together a special team.
We're gonna be doing one thing and one thing only.

00:24 a film about behavioral homogenization

oo:29 don't cringe

00:47 we live in the same planet
but everyone is so different

00:51 one word, one future

00:55 we all have our own enchantments to seperate
terrifying and magnificent

01:07 welcome

01:10 It is never a document of culture without being one of barbarism at the same time.
Walter Benjamin, On the Concept of History


01:38 we will rave on Putin's grave

01:56 a film about the inability to speak about something
that needs to be addressed

02:07 openAI’s GPT4: Ask me anything!
The Russian Federation could be an interesting setting for this type of film,
as it has a complex political history
and has faced numerous challenges
related to freedom of speech and expression that is being silenced in Russia.

02:26 Behavioral homogenization refers to the process
of converging or standardizing behavior or cultural practices within a society.

02:35 there was a place to start from.

02:37 and now I would like to nominate for the ice bucket challenge
Vladimir Putin. Thank you very much.

02:50 History has to do with connections
and with randomly spun causal chains.
Historical is what is or has been effective.

03:03 We can also learn that from the past
by pretending any moment of it to be present.

03:23 May 9, to victory!

03:53 Hey there! Pryvit! Privet!

03:59 Let’s talk about the conditions and visual fields
under which war is waged.
Since we are watching a film.

04:11 We did watch so many films.
We will watch ...

04:15 A film that is time confusing on an emotional level.
It is Punk, pathetic, bold, clear, cruelly imposing, too fast, TMI,
every info is so heavy, and overlapping!
It is confusing, dark and sentimental.

04:35 It is about Russia, only,
why are the accusations not spoken out more clearly?

04:56 What does tomorrow have in store for me?
My gaze vainly tries to catch it,
It hides in deep darkness.

06:15 A film about versions of reality

A film about versions of fiction
A film about versions of reality fiction
A film about an “ideological vacuum”
A film about pornographic war clips
A film about the fact that war clips make no sense to be shown

06:36 why does the film become so slow here?
don't worry if you don't understand everything.
we don't either.

06:39 It sounds like you are interested in creating a film
that explores the theme of reality and fiction,
and how they intersect and influence one another.
You could focus on the concept of an "ideological vacuum"
and explore how individuals or groups attempt to fill this void
with their own versions of reality or fiction.

06:59 You could also examine the way in which media and technology
can shape our understanding of the world,
including our perceptions of conflict.
Another angle you could take is to explore the way
in which pornography and war intersect.
This could be a provocative and controversial topic.

07:18 Russian Soldier: No...

07:23 I'm begging you...

07:24 Please!

07:35 Call of Duty, Modern Warfare

07:43 Wagner, maybe you have heard of it

07:45 The war is tough

07:51 the rate of spent ammonition is 2,5 more than it was in Stalingrad

07:58 we greet all comrades of the people in the television parlors
of Greater-Berlin with the German greeting "Heil Hitler"

08:07 survive ... full pardon

08:26 A film about Wagner the Russian mercenaries and Wagner, Richard

08:43 Wagner, made in Russia

08:55 Because there are T-shirts here.
Je suis Wagner (I'm Wagner)
What is that?

09:04 your children enjoy life, filming YouTube videos

09:07 just because it burns doesn't mean you're gonna die.
You've gotta get up and try try try

09:14 what song should I sing next?
write me in the comments

09:19 you for sure heard about the tragic accident
of Yevgenij Prigoshin the other day

09:23 well, it was not an accident

09:26 I know that You know and You know that I know

09:29 On January 20, 2023, an exibition, titled "The New Order",
about the American Hegemony, opened in Saint Petersburg's Wagner Center.

10:04 This is a thought experiment in 4K.

Judith Butler observed that media representations
have already become modes of military conduct.

10:16 So...
Become part of our movement.

10:19 remember: "no victory in war"

10:22 Tear me to pieces, kill me, you'll become a hero!
Your president will be proud of you.

10:30 Glory to Kyiv.
Novorussia, you suck!

10:39 This is not our war. This is Putin's war. -
A world ruled by peace, love and justice, not fear and violence.

10:45 Tanya, there is a CCTV camera talking in our hairdressing salon

10:53 it says something about the war. yes...

So, 2022 in Europa, dear viewers and listeners,
what do you think about the following:

11:13 Let’s go to War

11:17 a Russian Propaganda song for the 2022 invasion of Ukraine
with footage from the Second World War

11:21 Order given:
Him to the west
Her - in the other direction

11:25 So that with an early victory
You returned home

11:30 One two three four five ...
Let's go to war again

11:40 Doesn’t the new Imperialism sound like a Terror State?
And this Terror State sounds like the Russian Federation?
The Russian Federation sounds like Putin?
Putin sounds like a Cosplayer from 1941?

12:01 openAI’s GPT4, ask me anything: Imperialism refers to
the extension of a country's power and influence through colonization,
use of military force, or other means.
The concept of a "hidden imperialism" suggests
the revival of imperialistic policies in recent times.
Vladimir Putin is the current president of the Russian Federation,
and comparing him to a cosplayer from 1941 is a matter of personal opinion.

12:36 Today, my dear friends, we as Germans must take an example
from our Russian friends, who show us and exemplify what patriotism is,
how one can be proud of one's own country

12:45 and how one can draw strength from the power of one's own tradition
and history and also master the future

12:55 Arise, beloved country!
Arise, for mortal fight

13:03 With Fascist hordes despicable,
The forces of the night.

13: 11 Do you want to see a picture of my father, in September 1942 ...

13:14 time of war

13:15 ... “Riegelstellung”, a military bolt position,
near Stalingrad, a young Unteroffizier of the Wehrmacht?

13:24 war against Russia and not against each other, thank you.
the German Foreign Minister

13:31 And I think we should not forget...

13:32 ZDF, German State TV

13:34 ... even if Russians LOOK european,
they are not Europeans in a cultural sense.
They think differently about violence, or death.

13:44 at the same time in Leningrad, during the Siege 1942:

13:45 war sounds like Europe

13:49 Gregory Vinogradov sings Robert Schumann’s Dichterliebe (A Poet's Love)

14:02 I cried in my dream;
I dreamt you lay in your grave.

14:18 I woke, and tears
Still flowed down my cheeks.

14:29 Am I confusing family stories with historical ones?

14:53 The error of touching the audience emotionally through a personal touch?
And this “schmonzette” sounds like…

15:03 a little peace, a little sun
for this earth we are living on

15:19 … sounds like Eurovision?
and Eurovision sounds like Europe?
and now, Europe again sounds like the Cold War?
The Cold War sounds like NATO?

15:33 NATO sounds like the USA?
The US sound like a unilateral world?
A unilateral world sound like the past?

15:44 The Heart of Europe
The World

15:45 and Europe is actually a combination of two islands to make it very large

15:51 I'm not giving my sons away

16:00 scientific studies on the consequences of a nuclear war

16:15 Putin is not half as evil as we would like

16:32 Russian Embassy, Berlin

16:57 Odesa, City of Heroes, WW2, now Ukraine

17:09 Into the cities I came in a time of anarchy
As hunger reigned.
Among men I came in a time of turmoil
And I rose up with them.

17:26 And so passed
The time given to me on earth.

17:34 My food I ate amid the slaughter.

To sleep I laid down among the murderers.

18:01 I was torn to love carelessly
And I regarded nature with impatience.

18:14 The streets led into the swamp in my time.
The tongue betrayed me to the slaughterers.

I was capable of little.
But the rulers
Sat more confidently without me, that I hoped.
And so passed
The time given to me on earth.

18:33 The powers were limited.
The destination
Lay far off in the distance
It was distinctly visible, though for me
Lay far off in the distance
It was distinctly visible, though for me scarcely to be reached.

And so passed
The time given to me on earth.

19:17 peace treaty USA - Russia

19:42 Sowjet WW2 Monument, Berlin

19:57 The Glory of God in Berlin

20:06 We Germans Fear God,
and nothing else in the World

20:11 to save the entire world ...

20:13 ... to redeem mankind

20:23 peacful revolution
dancing for democracy

20:27 read Mises, not Marx

20:40 peace, freedom, no dictatorship

20:49 we can so easily make the world a bit better,
if you want peace, you don't sell guns

20:56 we could all shake hands.
we are setting a sign.
thank you.

21:02 Pax Terra, you are unbelievable

21:07 you dumb fucking bitch

21:10 friendship

21:19 peace would mean that you feel it

21:24 you don't have to know anything great at all.
I can also just play a few sounds witha mallet

21:29 more love/peace

21:44 aryan germanic brand

21:47 thank you

21:50 feminist antiwar resistance

21:57 you are the people

22:03 and I could cry

22:05 on this square of the republic,
the decision is made for the fate of the whole world, of all mankind

22:14 hello. when we are done here,
then you please go to all of Berlin and the entire world and discuss further

22:24 Germany first
the first thing is: we are democrats

22:28 NAZI, not interested in immigration
100% German patriot

22:34 go die you fucking shit whore bitch
you fucking tranny cunt
to the death go with your fucking son of a bitch mother cunt bitch family,
you fucking whore cunt
you fucking shit asshole cunt kid
go finger you cunt

22:42 then you are moving to Germany

22:47 Germany.
Yeah, that's Germany.

22:52 So, the inspiration for architecture is the Bauhaus.
All the homes have, you know, square, clean, strict lines.

23:06 And then this is the last of our islands and it's honeymoon island.
It also has the name of Saint Petersburg, a heartshaped island.
It's the party island. It will be operational 24/7

23:21 Germany.

23:27 it's not

23:30 where do they live?
on mountaintops, in big caves

23:36 And you will have up to seven casual festivals a year
inspired by Germany. So for example you will have Octoberfest...

23:44 and outside in the hotel d'amour it's boring...

23:48 ... is one of them.
So this island is very sustainable, very German.

23:55 we don't need anything else

25:04 dirty job
the boys do all the dirty work for you
no break for cognac, no break for saturday
water boils in flasks, fire comes from bunkers
the planet stands on blood, like Peter in the swamps

25:19 cartridge, cartridge, cartridge...

25:26 Upload your videos. Search Options. Search in categories

25:33 Amateur, Anal, Asian, Big ass, Blonde, Blowjob, Brunette, Busty,
Chaturbate, Cosplay, Creampie, Cumshot, Dancing, Double Penetration, Ebony,
Feet, Fingering, Fisting, Flashing, Russian, German, Handjob, Hardcore,
Hidden cam, Interracial, Latina, Lesbian, Lingerie, Live Jasmin, Rape,
Russian ...

26:26 The past sounds like the present

26:30 pussy pussy pussy...

26:32 The past is like the present, in Russia.
In Russia, the present is a void.
The void is between 1945 and 2022.

26:59 2022 sounds like Ukraine.
Ukraine sounds like war.
War is war, and Laibach’s song is from 1994

27:26 War sounds like YugosWARvia.
Yugoslavia sounds like NATO.
NATO sounds like Europe.
Europe sounds like a failure.

27:40 Failure sounds like the Russian Federation.
The Russian Federation sounds like Putin.

27:46 NATO: a chronical of cruelty,
Moscow's Museum of Contemporary Russian History

28:05 Putin sounds like an imperial obession.

28:10 Walter Benjamin writes that Marx says
that revolutions are the locomotives of world history.

But maybe that's completely different.
Perhaps the revolutions are the reach of the human race

traveling in this train for the emergency brake.

29:37 Now you, you’re wondering, why was the wall built
Why are we fenced off? Why did we burn our foreign passports?
Why are there different classes? Why was machine learning changed to Cyrillic?

30:00 To increase profits? To maintain order? For entertainment?
For home and hearth, to create the big and beautiful, for fancy houses?

30:16 For Moroccan leather boots, so everyone could tap their heels and clap?

30:20 Moscow, The Main Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces, opened in 2020

30:22 So your asses would stay nice and warm in your velvet pants?
So your heads would feel cozy under their sable hats?
So you, sniveling wolves, wouldn't live by lies.
So you'd run in herds, fast, straight, close together, most holy, obedient.
So you'd harvest the grain on time, feed your brother,
love your wives and children. Is that it?

30:55 Now you see, that's not what it was for.

31:17 battle for Dnjepr, liberation of Ukraine and Crimea
and liberation of Belorussia and the Baltic States

31:53 It was so the christian faith could be preserved, you get it?
For only we, the orthodox, have preserved the church as christ's body on earth -
a single church, sacred, conciliar, apostolic and infallible, isn't that right?

32:18 After the second council, we are the only ones who glorify
the Lord correctly. For we are Russian Orthodox ...

32:26 the church's floor, cast from the steel from German tanks

32:29 ...because no one took the right to glory the Lord correctly away from us,
did they? We didn't retreat from the community of our church,
from sacred icons, from the Mother of God, from the faith of the Fathers,
the life -giving Trinity from the Holy Spirit,
from the life -giving Lord who comes from the Father,
who venerates the Father and Son and speaks to the Prophet, right?
We have rejected everything sacrilegious,
Manichism and monotheletism and monophysitism, right?

33:14 For whomsoever the church is not mother, God is not the father.

33:26 Midnight drew nearer already;
In mute rest lay Moscow.

33:35 Only above, in the Kremlin's castle,
lights are flickering and the emperor's retinue makes noise.
And above, in the Kremlin's hall,
Putin holds his imperial banquet.

33:52 If you memorise the new land 

The old continents fading out in your ear

If you pick the chunks of crust from your new wounds
You will be closer to my meaning

34:11 But hardly had those terrible words died away,
whenn the emperor grew secretly fearful in his heart.

34:32 The ringing laughter fell silent at once;
the hall grew deathly still.
And behold! behold! on the white wall
there appeared something like a human hand;
and it wrote and wrote on the white wall
letters of fire; it wrote and disappeared.

35:04 The emperor sat staring there,
with knocking knees, pale as death.
The crowd of oligarchs sat cold and filled with horror,
and sat entirely still, without a sound.
Magicians came, but no one could understand
and find a meaning of the flaming script on the wall.

35:38 But Putin, that very night,
was murdered by his servants.

36:00 when u gotta rush to the hospital

36:29 Stream of Putin's funeral, Moscow, Red Square

37:08 If I would check every Russian involved
I wouldn't want to be with them around.

37:34 Russia is a terror state

37:37 Crimea is ours!

37:47 we welcome our independend neighbours from Ukraine

38:08 we say farewell to our Presiden Putin

38:39 Too much has happened
To expect a script

Too many things have been displaced
To fit the old analogy
Too many things have been destroyed

Too much has been displaced

Too many species have been destroyed
There are too many worlds to plant again
Too many planets to regenerate

There are too many lives

Too many stories to plant again

39:19 Military Parade in memoriam Vladimir Putin

41:53 Utopia

42:00 Open AI’s GPT-3 and AIVA’s music generator will take over
but won't take over.
Now, please understand:
Deep Learning transformer networks
require from us a strange degree of sympathy with the machine,

42:22 thinking about ways it works and how it might respond to our query.
Machine Learning is feminist,

42:29 from human to human

42:30 ... since it was programmed predominanly by white males.
But now we can observe that it countered and corrected this bias -
for reasons that are beyond our understanding,
but seem to be so much smarter than us,

42:48 AI for better tomorrow
... emerging without accountability.
No more old men ruining everything!

43:10 We will prevail together.

Decide about history?

Who really has agency?

Together, a messianic time is possible?

44:00 This utopia just happens here.

44:08 Utopia is connections, collaboration, anarchic structures
with randomly spun causal chains, a delirium utopia.

44:33 Lightning doesn't strike all the time,
just as freedom doesn't appear all the time.

44:45 The so called metaverse might bring us from the current burnout society
created by the latest generation Internet to a physiological data society

44:54 bills on bills, I want to make them

45:01 Artificial Intelligence is being widely used by state capitalism,
to engulf everyone's lives.

45:06 After 3 trillion simulations in massive data,
balancing various raw materials, a Western-style flavor was created.

45:11 A taste that AI thinks humans will like.

45:15 The cyber machines know more about your privacy than you do,
it is a machine of behavioral homogenization.

45:28 AI generated Chinese Style Flavored Potato Sticks

46:01 AI generated Western Style Flavored potato Sticks

46:16 it is a machine of behavioral homogenization

46:19 Oh no, I didn't let myself be turned away

46:56 Why can't we imagine data communism in the future?
All data belongs to citizens and is managed by digitalized communites
rather than being monopolized by multinational corporations
under the command of nation-states.
Future data, like water, air, and soil, belong to everyone.
We cannot privatize or monopolize weather phenomena such as lightning;
they have an inherent property of freedom that can’t be taken away,
and data will be the future climate.

47:35 Digital anarchism offers us the prospect of resistance.

47:52 Platform cooperativism replicates the technical core
of online platforms and puts it into a cooperative model,
one that brings workers, owners, society and cities together
in solidarity and collaboration and leads to political power.
We need to question everything that claims to be free.

48:22 The world is dark, waiting for lightning to cross the sky.
And lightning might come from a surprisingly different direction.

48:34 It must be allowed to imagine,
that in the (magical?) practices that determine the future,
the time in which it is out..., - no, which is interrogated there,
what is concealed in its bosom, is not (as empty?)..., no,
not just as homogeneous as it is presented as empty.

49:48 the book Pharmako - AI on mount Ararat

50:04 What will we be cured of?

If the future always looks the same

If the past was never what it seemed

50:13 The past is just a space we forgot

50:15 war is over!

50:19 The present is just the time we measure
And the future is just the place we go

50:31 Moscow Polytechnical University

50:40 like a stranger in Moscow ...

51:17 There is a place inside my soul

Where I speak the words of everyone else

52:47 Words are absorbed into the blood

Words are smeared on faces

Words are in my mouth

Words are in my breath

Words are on my fingers

Words are on my legs

Words are on my tongue

Words are in my pockets

Words are everywhere

53:44 This is the future of Soviet education!
God are the days when Soviet citizens had to spend years
studying at educational institutions.
From this moment on, just inject a special neuro -polymer
encoded with the education you want.
A university -level natural sciences curriculum, for example,
and you'll instantly become an educated member of society!

54:16 That's why His Majesty built this magnificent wall,
in order to cut us off from stench and unbelievers,
from the damned cyber punks, from sodomites, Catholics, melancholiacs,
from Buddhists, sadists, satanists and Marxists.
from mega -masturbators, fascist, pluralist and atheist.
For faith, you sniveling wolves, isn't a change purse.
It's no brocaded kaftan, no oak club. What is faith?

54:54 Faith, my noisy ones, is a well of spring water, pure,
clear, quiet, modest, powerful and plentiful. You get it?
Or should I repeat it to you?

55:12 There are plenty of opponents that's true.
As soon as Russia rose from the grey ashes,
as soon as she became aware of herself,
as soon as His Majesty laid the foundation stone of the Western Wall years ago,
as soon as we began to fence ourselves off from the foreign without
and the demon within, Opponents began to crawl out of the cracks
like noxious centipedes.

55:48 A truly great idea breeds great resistance.
Our state has always had enemies inside and out.
But the battle was never too intense as during the period
of the Holy Russia's revival.

56:07 why does the film become so slow here?
don't worry if you don't understand everything.
we don't either.

56:12 This story is full of holes
Dissolve the patterns of flowers
Do not choose the bodies of people
The city should crumble and fall
The city should grow like coral
And jut up from the sea
But the bodies of the city people

Should live as they do

Till the sky spews down

Till the rain brings mould and fungus

Till the sun bleaches their white walls to brown

56:52 In the maze of deconstructed buildings
We grow old but not very old

57:15 Victory 1945-2025

57:54 A duck swims, girls dance
Demons are buried in Azovstal

A house was burning in the middle of the steppe

58:20 I'm Russian!
The Mother of God will give birth to a baby

58:30 Telegram, News from Russia.
this is how it looks here
and I'm allowed to check out this place more closely

58:38 anyway, a lot of destruction here

58:47 fire, a fire in my voice.

58:52 really?
I don't know.

59:00 There has been a move from what I call a nodal society,
a society monitored by digital junctions, to a network society, where,
whenever the Secret Service gets access to phone numbers -
that was ethically somehow understandable,
because they were getting access to the numbers and not to you.

59:23 When you move to a network society, in fact,
the network of your behaviors is actually you!

60:03 The state can know more through the networks
than a person knows about themselves.
If you are in cyber, and if you want to know who is going where,
where is the data, who is going to challange your power,
you look at the network, you don’t look at the node.
You figure out the node by looking at the network.

60:49 And you have signed up basically to turn yourself into a product.
They monetize your data, and you are getting nothing.
And in fact they do know more about you then you know about yourself ...

63:20 such a piece of a perfect world where one sticks to one another
we're building a house out of sunshine
we won't let any outsider in

63:32 Everything for Germany!

63:37 There is no real morning
There is no real sun

There are no real shadows

63:44 fortress Europa, the boat is full

65:24 ... and not only that: they are influencing you who you are
which creates enormous political problems

65:32 There is no real morning
There is no real morning
There is no real sun

There are no real shadows
There are no real buildings

65:51 All the buildings were someone else’s future
All the buildings were someone else’s past
All the buildings are someone else’s past

66:03 The past will never happen

The future will never arrive

66:10 There are too many voices on the telephone
There are too many words in the script
And there are too many story-tellers
All echoing each other

66:30 There is a place inside my soul

Where I speak the words of everyone else

66:48 Words are absorbed into the blood

Words are smeared on faces

Words are in my mouth

Words are on my breath

Words are on my fingers

Words are on my legs

Words are on my tongue

Words are in my pockets

Words are everywhere

67:08 Optimization of life is a distinctly modern endeavor.
Some proponents of a world run by artificial intelligence, AI ...

67:44 Hey, wake up!

67:47 It was just a dream.

67:54 We don't have much time.
You have to go with me.
I'll explain everything on the way.
Let's go!

68:12 Hurry up!

68:19 Watch out!

68:20 And Artificial General Intelligence, AGI,
computers more powerful than AI.
When the ability to understand the world as well as humans can ...

68:37 Enter Forest of Death
Guard: Stop right there! -
You want to go to The Visdomssjøen, right? -
It's the only way to go there, but ...

68:45 It's impossible. Nobody ever survived in The Forest of Death. -
You enter at your owen risk.

69:01 Guard: Congratulations!
You are the first person to survive the journey through The Forest of Death. -
Here is the Visdomssjøen.

69:10 Guard: Come with me now.

69:16 no filming, no telephone fotos

69:28 That's enough. I want to be free.
That's enough. I want to be clear.
That's enough. I want to hear you.
That's enough. I want to drink.
That's enough. I want to be alone ...

69:56 I want a guy coming down the stairs, slowly.
Two strollers from the left, now. - Good.

70:08 My internal organs are media channels.

70:19 one person from the left and then one person from the right,
meeting in the middle.

70:28 Okay, fine. Now I want the two strollers returned from the right.
Good. - Fine.

70:37 This young man from the left, turning around,
just robbed the local post office. Right.
Now, let's have the girl chewing gum from the left,
checking her phone in the center. - Good.

70:52 And finally, I want people coming down the stairs.

70:55 My internal organs are media channels.

71:07 Fortress Europe, close the borders!

71:12 Chase Anti-Germans out of the country

71:28 My internal organs are media channels.

71:39 Dear visitors!
The store is closed due to technical problems.
We apologize for temporaty inconveniences.

72:07 I read a history book

Then I read another one

Then I burn down the library

72:23 There was a place to start from
There was a thing that might be said
That might have meant something

But I am not the type of person
That means anything

was created and constantly refreshed by humans and AI

73:14 a "zero trust" model, where by default you believe nothing.

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please contact your website support

73:42 Feminist Anti-War Resistance

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